First Dapp Starts Experience!Hashgard Bi-weekly Report(9.30–10.13)

5 min readNov 1, 2019

The first version of the public chain virtual machine was developed, and the developers of the Hashgard overseas community have developed the first DAPP based on the Hashgard public chain, which is now starting experience! !

In the future, we will concentrate on the ecological construction of the public chain and hope to join hands with all developers!

What did we do during the past two weeks? Keep reading.

Hashgard R&D Progress
Hashgard Public Chain

Hashgard public chain testnet SIF-8000 launched

1. The public chain upgraded from Cosmos-SDK v0.35.0 to v0.37.0

2. Smart contract virtual machine Hashgard VM v0.1.0 launched

3. Open Source Hashgard Smart Contract Compiler

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Hashgard Smart Contract Compiler V0.1.0 launched

1. The AST-based compiler code framework completed, the test completed.

2. Instruction set 1: Virtual machine built-in instruction related compilation function development and test completed

3. Instruction set 2: Compilation function development and test related to chain interoperability instructions completed

4. Instruction set 3: Compilation function development and test related to instructions supporting some python storage completed.

5. Instruction set document update completed

6. Sample contract code update completed

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Hashgard public chain virtual machine V0.1.0 development completed

1. Virtual machine basic instruction development and test completed

2. Virtual machine and gas interaction management program development and test completed

3. Virtual machine bytecode serialization development and test completed

4. Virtual machine Optimization plan formulation, coding and test completed

5. Smart contract compiler development and test completed

6. The first interoperability function of smart contract and chain : data storage instructions, coding and test completed

7. The second interoperability function of smart contract and chain: asset issuance and management instructions, coding and testing completed

8. The third interoperability function of smart contract and chain: contract static, dynamic call and contract upgrade, destruction instructions, coding and test completed

9. Smart contract compiler optimization plan formulation, coding and Test completed

10. Smart contract example 1: Token issuance contract development and test completed

11. Smart contract example 2: Simulation game contract development and test completed

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Hashgard public chain virtual machine V0.2.0 under development

1. The second stage development plan of Virtual machine and contract completed and approved in the preliminary discussion

2. Virtual machine and chain interoperability module, part of the instruction optimization completed, the test completed

3. Virtual machine and gas interaction management refinement plan determined, the development completed

4. Smart contract timing task plan refinement completed, under development

5. Virtual machine advanced data structure support program in plan

6. Smart contract specifies gas address collection plan in plan

7. Smart contract security upgrade, destruction plan in plan

8. Smart contract usability guide tutorial in plan

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Hashgard public chain upgraded from Cosmos-SDK v0.35.0 to v0.37.0

1. hashgard basic economic model, upgrade and test completed

2. hashgard basic governance model, upgrade and test completed

3. hashgard smart contract virtual machine module, upgrade completed, under acceptance test

4. hashgard smart contract module documentation in programming

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Hashgard public chain native function contract under development

1. HRC-10 TokenIssue asset issuance function, development and test completed

2. Atomic exchange function under development

3. HRC-11 Depositbox deposit box function in development plan

4. HRC-12 FuterBox future payment box function in development plan

5. HRC-13 Recording certificate of deposit function in development plan

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Blockchain wallet version v0.37 developed and launched

1. Complete the wallet account asset token

2. Complete the account asset delegation module

3. Improve the transaction record

4. Propose the voting module development completed

5. Complete the tap contract coin

6. Complete the InstantLotteryGame development

7. Complete the adaptation of MathWallet to the new GARDBOX

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Blockchain browser version v0.37 development completed and launched

1. Data interface adaptation testnet sif-8000

2. Add smart contract transaction query module

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Automated testing framework construction

1. Based on the existing perfect smart contract underlying encapsulation

2. HRC-10 contract automation test case design

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For more technical progress, please refer to Github:

Hashgard News

The first DAPP starts experience in Hashgard public chain

After the SIF-8000 update, developers have been able to build smart contracts and issue DAPP based on the Hashgard public chain testnet. Several developers in Hashgard overseas community independently produced a DAPP based on Hashgard public chain. Currently, the DAPP has been listed on Hashgard wallet.

Hashgard Smart Contract Developer Community established

With the launch of the virtual machine and the improvement of the basic functions of the testnet, developers can already develop based on the Hashgard public chain testnet. In order to allow developers to better discuss and communicate, we have established a developer community of DAPP development!

Hashgard Southeast Asian Community is in full swing

With the acceleration of our Hashgard technology and the increase in GARD trading volume, many Indonesian blockchain investors who are interested in Hashgard have spontaneously established a Hashgard Indonesian community and organized a large number of promotional activities to spread our philosophy!

As of the date of this report, there are nearly 40,000 members in Hashgard’s Chinese, English, Russian and Southeast Asia telegram groups.

Hashgard official Twitter (@hashgard_off) has released 269 tweets and more than 6,000 followers

Reddit has more than 6,800 followers

Our public platform

Official website:

Technology empowerment platform domestic station:

Technology empowerment platform overseas station:


Weibo: @临界Hashgard

Toutiao: @临界Hashgard


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English Telegraph group:

Russian Telegraph group: https://

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Jinse Finance: https://www.jinse .com/member/213964


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Hashgard is a new generation decentralized finance public blockchain. Garding the Realm of Blockchain!