Since the launch of Hashgard mainnet in August 2020, a large number of Hashgard supporters have participated in the construction of the community ecosystem.
At present, Hashgard mainnet block height has reached — — 2,096,852
There are already more than 26,403 on-chain transactions.
Total stakings on Hashgard public chain — 4,414,085,517
Overall staking rate exceeds 44% on the 17 nodes.
Until today, the staking rate has successfully surpassed Irisnet (38.81%), Kyber (26.36%), Tron (20.48%) and other projects.
In terms of ecosystem building, Math Wallet supports mainnet GARD. In addition, we have also launched SGO, which redefines token issuance! Hashgard officially supports token issuance!
In terms of community governance, Hashgard official nodes has cumulatively announced 11 rounds of community node operators, and some of them have staked 500 million mainnet GARD.
In terms of the community interests, we have also released GGT- GARD governance token. GGT will soon get listed on Exchanges.
In the near future, Hashgard will have more community and marketing activities, and keep on promoting blockchain development and decentralized finance.