Hashgard Bi-weekly Report(August 19-September 1)

4 min readSep 4, 2019


Autumn is the “cooling off” month right between the blazing summer and chilling winter. Blockchain industry is in the stage of stable progress. Focusing on technology and products is what Hashgard does.

What did we do during the past two weeks? Keep reading.

Hashgard R&D Progress
Hashgard Public Chain

Hashgard Public Chain VM V0.01 under development

1. Completed developing the basic command of 1st phase of VM. It is under test.
2. Completed the optimization of VM code. It is under test.
3. Completed the optimization of smart contract compiler code. It is under test.
4. Smart contract was operated on the chain and its code has been optimized. It’s under test.
5. The first Interoperability of smart contract and chain: data storage command and coding are being tested.
6. The second Interoperability of smart contract and chain: asset issuance and management command and coding are being tested.
7.VM and gas interactive plan have been completed and is under test.
8. Serialization of VM bytecode was completed
9. Contract coding for issuing coin was completed and is under test.
10. Contract coding for native function of chain is under development.
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Blockchain wallet version v0.7.1 under development
1. Forward payment box supports depositing GARD
2.Optimized the content and cue on the form filling out page
3.Added the receipt and deposit voucher in the wallet account
4.Locked deposit box and optimized forward payment box code
5.Improved the transaction records
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Automatic testing framework under development
1. Automatic testing framework infrastructure and base layer methods were encapsulated. Improve model coupling to a lower level.
2. Add base layer encapsulation of smart contract.
3. Use case design
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Hashgard product and document progress
1. The existing wallet of Hashgard native wallet gardbox v0.2.0 was designed and is developing.
2. New official website of Hashgard was completed.
3. Korean version of the official website was completed.
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For more technical development, please refer to Github:

2. Hashgard News

Upgrade of Hashgard brand and official website

Hashgard new official website is on. At the same time, we made changes in our logo and slogan. Exploring the land of digital finance is our slogan and the development goal for the next stage.
Official website:https://www.hashgard.io

Personnel change in Hashgard Foundation

Hashgard foundation announces that the original co-founder and CTO Frank Yang will take the new role of technical adviser. The original development manager Joe He is promoted to co-founder and CTO.

Hashgard is the co-organizer of QuantKing Global Asset Management Forum

Hashgard co-organizes the second Global Asset Management Forum with QuantKing, Block Global, Himalaya Capital. The forum will be held on September 8. This event is sponsored by many institutions such as Binance.

Co-founder of Hashgard Tom Huang attended the BAUHAUS event

Co-founder of Hashgard Tom Huang was invited to join the round table discussion about BAUHAUS social experiment and mankind social structure with researchers of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, professors from Tongji University and initiator of BAUHAUS China.

Hashgard Community

Issuance of Points for Testnet Task

Eight months has passed from the first Testnet in December 2018 to the seven Testnet in Auguat 2019. In these iterations, we received a lot of advice from the community. Now we’re officially issuing incentives to our community members who made their contribution. For every 1 point earned in testnet you will get 300 GARD tokens.

As of the date of this report, there are nearly 50,000 members in Hashgard’s Chinese, English and Russian telegram groups.

Hashgard official twitter (@hashgard_off)has posted 260 tweets with the followers of nearly 6300.

Followers on Reddit exceed 6800.

Our public platform
Official website: https://hashgard.io
Weibo: @Hashgard
Chinese Telegram group: https://t.me/hashgard
English Telegram group: https://t.me/hashgardeng
Russian Telegram Group: https://t.me/hashgardrussian
Korean Telegram Group: https://t.me/joinchat/MeHqGlTJUecHLcv8yobRWA
Vietnamese Telegram Group: https://t.me/hashgardvn
Indonesia Telegram Group: https://t.me/hashgard_indonesia
Medium: https://medium.com/@hashgard
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Hashgard_off
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hashgard
Bihu: https://bihu.com/people/170607
Biquan: http://i.bishijie.com/home/GARD
Jinse Finance:
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Written by Hashgard

Hashgard is a new generation decentralized finance public blockchain. Garding the Realm of Blockchain!

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