To Hashgard Community:
Very excited to announce that Hashgard New Generation Decentralized Financial Public Chain — Hashgard Mainnet, has been officially launched at 16:00 UTC+8 on August 5, 2020.
Hashgard public chain project was initiated in July 2018 while Hashgard public chain test net was initiated in December 2018. Finally, Hashgard mainnet was officially launched in July 2020. During the past two years, we have gone through rough times but always keep going all the way.
The test net has been updated 8 times and nearly one million blocks have been generated. Hundreds of R&D engineers and community volunteer testers have repeatedly tested and upgraded. With constant trial, Hashgard mainnet finally comes to life.
Hashgard Foundation always aim to empower finance with blockchain, to enlarge public access to decentralized finance and also build up infrastructure of global inclusive finance. The mainnet launch represents the milestone of Hashgard decentralized finance blueprint.
Many plans are being initiated about Hashgard future:
Enabling resistance to data modification in decentralized finance system, such as identity, assets, protocol and process data, by being recorded on chain, it can not be altered.
Relying on Hashgard public chain to overcome space barriers, lower the barriers to financial participation, and extend DeFi to the lives of global users.
The Hashgard public chain supports the construction of a decentralized Token fund. The raising, investment, management, and withdraw are all executed on the chain. Token Fund managers can issue tradable Token certificates which represent the fund shares. Token certificate holders can conduct on-chain transactions.
Hashgard Public Chain Timeline:
We would like to introduce 5 major features of Hashgard DeFi public chain:
IBC protocol cross-chain interaction
Hashgard DeFi public chain uses IBC(Inter Blockchain Communication) protocol to enable cross chain interaction, which makes a flexible Blockchain network.
High-efficiency virtual machine/multi-language programming
Hashgard VM V0.1 is the first high-efficiency virtual machine in Cosmos ecosystem that supports python language programming and cross-chain interaction. Developers can easily use HVM to deploy Defi and decentralized games (DeGame) applications.
Foundation Rewards
Hashgard Foundation subsidizes 1 billion GARD to reward validator nodes during the first year of mainnet launch. The validator nodes participating in block generation will be rewarded according to the proportion of staked GARD. Ordinary users can also get rewards by staking tokens to validator nodes.
On-chain Governance&Parameter Modification
Hashgard new generation DeFi public chain allows users to submit proposals on chain, and the validator node to vote on parameter modification, which avoids cumbersome software update.
Public taxes and service fees
Hashgard new generation DeFi public chain supports public taxes and service fees, two different governance mechanisms that can be used at the same time.
On-chain governance have the right to put part of the staked GARD into public tax address; at the same time, fixed proportion of staked GARD can be paid to related service providers as service fees.
In addition, with the launch of Hashgard mainnet, we have also completed the infrastructure configuration and upgrade:
Node and community node application
A total of 21 effective nodes will be operated to maintain block generation. The team will build up 11 nodes when the mainnet goes live, of which 5 official nodes and 6 community nodes. Community members can build up nodes on their own. Once someone initiates a proposal, the validators of the 21 nodes can vote on the proposal according to the proportion of staked GARD.
Open GARDBOX on Hashgard website(
Click on {My Stakings} and select the community node(refers to the 6 node named with hashgardian1–6). Click on {Delegate GARD}. Only mainnet GARD can be staked, ERC-20 GARD will be no longer effective.
During the first week of mainnet launch, Hashgard Foundation will be the community node operator. We will sort out node staking amount at 14:00 UTC+8 on August 14, 2020.
There are 6 community nodes. On each node, those with the largest number of staked GARD and more than 20 million GARD will become the first batch of community node operators, and will have the right to receive commissions, official subsidies, and node naming right.
Hashgard Foundation will figure out the total quantity of staked GARD on 6 community nodes at 14:00 UTC+8 every Friday. Once the one with the largest amount of GARD takes change, so will the operator.
Node Mining
After the mainnet goes online, mining rewards will be activated. 10% of mainnet GARD will be generated via mining, thus 1 billion. At the same time, nearly 20% GGT will be generated accordingly.
Users can participate in PoS mining in two ways, here we introduce the process:
1. Build up node on your own and become the operator
2. Stake GARD to nodes
Hashgard web wallet GARDBOX will be launched together with the mainnet. Users can SWAP and stake GARD through the wallet.
How to open GARDBOX?
Users can follow the instructions in GARDBOX to implement GARD SWAP with the ratio 10:1. Those who have done SWAP for the first 20billion GARD are able to gain 10% incentive GARD. As for mainnet GARD listing, we are in negotiation with Exchanges for technical details.
Please refer to the following article for SWAP Process
GARD SWAP starts on 5 August with 10% incentive GARD!
Grid Engine
The grid engine provides users with a diversified blockchain Dapp development platform. Developers do not need to develop their own contracts, but only need to configure the corresponding parameters and page development to quickly create a personalized community Dapp.
Based on the Hashgard public chain grid engine, developers are able to use at least 2 grids and up to 9 grids to develop various Dapp applications. At the same time, developers can use official jssdk to realize signature and transaction transfer. Developpers only need to focus on interface development and even directly use the template to generate Dapp in the future.
The use of community Dapp helps accelerate GARD liquidity, developers, application users and node operators will all get rewards.
GGT(GARD GOVERNANCE TOKEN) can be explained as candy token obtained from mining, which will be applied in the governance of DeFi protocol governance. GGT can be obtained by participating in block generation (running a node or staking GARD to node).
DeFi is a perfect opportunity for Blockchain to embrace finance. Hashgard will keep going all the way with all community members.
Hashgard Public Chain is officially launched on 5 August, 2020.